Our Issues & Advocacy

 Criminal Justice

The NAACP Chicago Southside advocates for the reform of our justice systems to better protect our communities  and to remove racial disparities within the justice system. The Chicago Southside Branch is at the forefront of pushing police reform across the City of Chicago.


Environmental Justice and Health

Across the globe environmental injustice disproportionately affects communities of color. Whether it is the placement of toxic coal plants in communities of low income or  lead in drinking water, environmental injustice is indefinitely tied to poor health outcomes. The NAACP Chicago Southside Branch is paving the way for reform in our environmental and health systems. The Southside is pushing for accountability and reform in Chicago’s Lead Crisis. To promote healthy lifestyles the NAACP has partnered with local hospitals for the 90- Day Challenge.


The NAACP is working to ensure that every child graduates from school ready to take on the world. The NAACP Southside Branch is working to increase funding to communities and students  that are undeserved. All students can be college and career ready when the path to success is laid out and supported by teachers, students, parents, disciplinary committees, and local districts.


The NAACP is working around the clock to ensure Economic Freedom for all under-served communities . For centuries, communities of color have been cut out of the American Dream. Now we are working to empower local communities with the education, resources, and partnerships to develop sustainable economic models.

Voting Rights/ Civil Engagement

The NAACP Southside Branch and all its members are advocates at the forefront of raising awareness for political, social, and economic equality in the electoral process. Whether the branch is hosting public forums for elections  or pushing redistricting reform, the Southside  is working to make democracy live up to its name.